Small Tricks to add security to Hotel Room Door

May 16, 2024

In small hotels in suburban areas, even if they have automatic door locks like keycard entry, you can't always count on complete safety. Some hotels still use old-fashioned latch locks and add extra security with door wedges or chains. These methods are common for hotels in keeping you safe.

Today, Hotelsup is sharing a small trick on how to secure your hotel room doors, particularly for female guests, when staying in hotels that still use latch locks. Here are two simple methods:

Method 1: Locking the Hotel Room Door with Coat Hangers

1. Start by inserting the head of the first coat hanger into the latch or chain lock on the top of the door.

2. Take the second coat hanger and loop it through the keyhole of the latch lock, ensuring the head of the coat hanger is attached to the first coat hanger.

3. Once done, test opening and closing the door. If the setup is done correctly, someone attempting unauthorized entry will find it impossible due to the coat hangers obstructing the door.

Method 2: Using a Small Piece of Cloth

Another method to reinforce security, especially for rooms without coat hangers, is by using a cloth wedged into the latch. This method will only work with latch locks and can’t be used with chain locks. Simply insert the cloth tightly into the latch and close the latch lock. This way, anyone trying to open the door from the outside will find it difficult, as the cloth will prevent the door from budging.

These 2 methods are always handy to add extra security measures beyond standard locks. Give them a try and enhance your peace of mind during your hotel stay.


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